Culture, diversity and inclusion

A new core strategy of AOA is focused on promoting and strengthening inclusion and diversity within the culture of orthopaedics, working in tandem with the aims of the Diversity Strategic Plan 2018-2023.


  • To create a culture of inclusion that promotes and enables access for all people into and within the profession of orthopaedic surgery, including the rural, regional and remote community, for the benefit of the Australian people and in particular for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • To embrace consumer engagement in all activities of AOA in a manner representative of the cultural and diverse nature of the Australian people
  • To create and foster an environment of psychological safety and wellness
  • To raise awareness of, and facilitate ethical decision making and professional conduct through the ongoing practice of AOA’s ethical principles
  • To be recognised as a leading organisation that is open, transparent, ethical, diverse, inclusive, professional, family oriented and culturally and academically independent
  • To drive cultural change and professional improvement to increase community relevance and leadership within the health sector
  • To drive positive outcomes in environmental sustainability and social responsibility
  • To increase cultural competency and safety of the orthopaedic community
  • To create a culture of inclusion that represents women and underrepresented minorities.
AOA Strategic Plan 2022–2024

Read more about AOA's core strategies in the AOA Strategic Plan 2022–2024