AOA Research Foundation

The mission of the AOA Research Foundation is to promote and support research into musculo-skeletal disorders.

The Foundation values excellence, integrity and professionalism in the acquisition of knowledge through ethical research.

The AOA Research Fund was established in 1970. It was formally incorporated as an approved Research Insitute in 1998 and re-named the AOA Research Foundation Limited. Legal and financial separation from the AOA was finalised in 2000 and set out in deed of co-operation.

The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors with a Research Advisory Committee which makes recommendations to the Board concerning the distribution of research funding.

Over the last 20 years, the Foundation has awarded more than $1.65 million in grants to support over 130 research projects.

Board of Directors

David Martin

Maurizio Damiani

General Directors
Sina Babazadeh
Zsolt Balogh
Roger Bingham
Claudia Di Bella
Catherine McDougall
Michael Schuetz

Secretary to the Board
Adrian R Cosenza

AOARF Board nominations open

Nominations for election to the AOA Research Foundation Board of Directors are now open.
The AOA Board is seeking to elect one director to the Foundation’s Board and interested members are invited to submit nominations.

Making a nomination

Nomination forms are available here and completed forms should be forwarded to the Foundation by email to
Please note that due to current COVID-19 restrictions in Sydney, we are unable to accept nominations by post or fax. 

Nominations should include:
  • Signed nomination form
  • A letter outlining the member’s interest in the position and relevant qualifications
  • Curriculum vitae
Members may self-nominate.
Only financial members of the Foundation are eligible to submit a nomination. If you have not yet paid a membership subscription for this year you may do so by contacting AOA Finance on 02 8071 8085 or 02 8071 8061.

Duties of Directors

AOA Research Foundation is a Company Limited by Guarantee and operates within the provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). In managing the business of a company, Directors and Officers are subject to a range of duties, which are designed to protect the company and, ultimately, the members by attempting to ensure that the Directors and other Officers are loyal to the company.
The responsibilities of Directors include the duty to:
  • act in good faith in the best interests of the company
  • act for proper purposes
  • act with due care and diligence
  • not misuse information or position 
  • prevent insolvent trading
  • not fetter discretions
  • avoid conflicts of interest.
The Board has the power, and also the legal responsibility, to manage the company. The Corporations Act states: ‘The business of a company is to be managed by or under the direction of the directors’ (s.198A(1)).